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Sunday 24 March 2019

如何在自家制作酸奶和酸奶饮料?How to Prepare Traditional Style Yogurt?

Published Date: March 23rd, 2019 Mandarin Pages

撰写: 黄帆 



对于大多数印度人,俄罗斯人和中东人来说,酸奶是一种他们的日常饮食,他们从小己开始食用着酸奶。印度人称他们的酸奶饮料为lassi,它很容易预备。您只需要舀四大汤匙纯酸奶,加入一些新鲜芒果肉或甜水果肉,加入100毫升冰水,用搅拌机搅打即可。如果您想要饮用中东人咸味有汽泡的香草酸奶饮料Doogh,您只需要舀4汤匙纯酸奶,加入200毫升冰水,1/4茶匙海盐和1/4茶匙干莳萝尖 (Dill tips) 或干薄荷碎。用搅拌机搅打即可。

印度人的酸奶饮料 Lassi


在制作酸奶过程中俄罗斯人,中东人或印度人从不使用我们可以从新西兰超市里所购过甜的浆果或水果口味的便利酸奶发酵培养剂。他们只是使用了纯酸奶或希腊酸奶 (Greek yogurt) 为发酵培养菌。纯酸奶中的热链球 (Streptococcus thermophilus) 和保加利亚乳杆菌Lactobacillus bulgaricus) 会吃掉牛奶中的糖。细菌会产生乳酸。乳酸使乳蛋白凝固。切记! 一旦牛奶己凝固,必须立即把它存放在冰箱里,因为酸奶在温度下放置的时间越长,它就变成越酸。

希腊酸奶含有Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus casei




1.用小火将锅中的牛奶加热至约 43°C。注意:如果牛奶开始沸腾,会迅速上升并从锅中溢出。请注意,如果温度过高,它会杀死酸奶发酵培养。 最佳培菌温度是在30到40摄氏度之间。
2.将温牛奶倒入一个保温容器中,加入2汤匙酸奶, 紧保温容器。或将温牛奶倒入一个盒子盖紧,用一条毛巾把盒子包住,存放在一个cooler box里面,这样牛奶的热量就会保留较久些。
3. 八至十二小时后,由于酸奶细菌,牛奶会凝固

Saturday 2 March 2019

家庭式炒牛肉河粉的好辦法 The Best Home Style Stir-fry Thin Rice Noodle Herr Feng

Published Date: March 1st, 2019 Mandarin Pages

撰写: 黄帆 

Herr Feng is a kind of Chinese rice noodle, which looks like Pappardelle but it is much thinner and a lot more fragile than Pappardelle. 

Often, there were some housewives who followed the master chefs from the TV cooking show to learn how to stir-fry herr feng, but they usually came out with broken and unpalatable herr feng on the dinning table.

If we use the same professional restaurant kitchen method to stir fry herr feng in our own kitchen, we can't expect to get the same gastronomical result. First, our wok can't rock like a professional Chinese gas stove on our own home style non-durable stove. Next, the fire of our home style stove is usually not as high as the fire of a  restaurant's professional stove.

If you want to get the same professional chefs' stir-fry herr feng's results on a home-style stove, unless you change the process and method of preparing and stir frying herr feng.

Here, I teach you how to use an innovative and simple preparation and cooking methods to revolt the traditional ways, you will get unexpected good results.


Procedure to Prepare Herr Feng   

Julienne onion, slice scotch fillet of tenderloin, marinate wit salt and pepper. Mince garlic, mince the white part of garlic chives, cut green part of garlic chives into an inch long. 
洋葱和牛肉切片,只用Scotch fillet 或 里脊肉 (Tenderloin),用盐和胡椒腌制。切碎大蒜,将蒜韭菜切成一英寸长将其白部分切碎。备用。

Use a pack of 1 kg fresh herr feng that you can buy from most Asian supermarket. In a mixing bowl, mix herr feng with appropriate amount of bean sprout, green part of garlic chives, black soy sauce, sweet soy salt, oyster, black sesame oil, ketchup, fish sauce, rice vinegar and rice wine. Carefully use your hand to mix everything together like the picture shown. Get ready of 6 whisked eggs.

One pack of herr feng can be portioned into 4 to 6 persons' portions. You need to stir-fry 4 times. Use a cast iron wok, this will help to retain the heat better especially on a home stove. Add oil to sweat onion and white part of garlic chives mince and garlic mince, sprinkle some grey salt and ground black pepper. While it is smoking, add the beef slices, let the beef quickly sealed  a little more than rare.

Sealed  the uncooked beef with whisked eggs.

Add 250g of seasoned herr feng mixture. Remember you must turn on fire on high mode all the time, only high fire can successfully produce good aromatic food.
加入250克预备好的混合河粉用料切记要一直打开着高火炒, 火候高炒出来才好吃!

If you can't rock the wok on your fragile home stove, but you must add the air to the stir-fry food, thus, you must use two wooden spoon or two spatulas, try to throw the herr feng upwards into the air during stir-frying with the 2 wooden spoons or spatulas. This just required 1 to 2 minutes depending on the fire temperature,  the amount you stir-fry and the size of your wok.

Transfer the ready stir-fried herr feng into a warmed plate

You have the best quality, aromatic and hygienic herr feng coming out from your own home style stove!

You can apply the same method to your stir-fry rice, mix your rice with oil, seasoning and mixed vegetables. Then you sweat onion, garlic with oil, then add Chinese sausage, prawn and whisked eggs. Add the ready mixed rice, stir-fry with only high fire for 1 to 2 minutes.
您可以使用相同的預制方法来炒揚州炒饭。先把白飯, 蔬菜杂锦与调味料混合。在熱油中加葱,蒜末,香肠,虾和鸡蛋。然后把調好的飯加入炒一兩分鐘即可。