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Wednesday, 29 March 2017


Condiments 调味品:
"In today's fast-paced lifestyle, cooking at home is more difficult.  Some buy premade food, just heat and serve, some eat out more often.  If you do cook at home, why not buy components already made, to make cooking a lot easier, and fun, by using sauces and condiments made fresh, with the highest quality ingredients, no preservatives or additives, healthy, creative, tasty, fun, made with pride for the home cook in mind-----From THE PIANO CHEF!!!!!!!"   RECIPES ATTACHED ON HOW TO USE

在今日快节奏的生活方式中, 往往在家里做饭更困难,有些人购买预制的食物,吃之前再将它加热,有些人更频频在外吃饭, 如果你选择在家做饭,为什么不订购已现成经制作好了的新鲜调味品加入主要的成分,煮熟后再上调酱,使烹饪更容易,乐趣. FROM THE PIANO CHEF!!!!!!! 只摘用最好的成分, 最高品质的成分,没有防腐剂或添加剂调料. 健康,创造性,美味,乐趣,支持那些想在家做饭的人.附上免

 Sambal sauce used to accompany laksa    


1.      Hong Kong style marinating paste for roasting duck    新鲜香港式烤鸭腌制调味浆
2.      Persian style marinating paste for roasting chicken or chicken kebab    新鲜波斯式烤鸡或鸡烤肉霸腌制调味浆
3.      Malaysian rendang paste for chicken and beef    新鲜新马鸡肉和牛肉Rendang腌制调味浆
4.      Malaysian style satay marinating paste for chicken, beef or lamb    新鲜新马式鸡肉,牛肉或羊肉沙爹腌制调味浆.
5.      Chinese style smoked salt five-spice marinating seasoning for roasting chicken   新鲜中式烟熏盐五香烤鸡腌制调味料
6.      Chinese style char siu marinating paste for grilling pork    新鲜中式叉燒腌制调味浆
7.      Chinese style marinating seasoning for steamed chicken   新鲜中式腌制调味浆
8.      Special formulated Asian-Mediterranean fusion style seasoning for crispy pork belly    特制新鲜亚洲地中海融合式脆猪肚皮腌制调味浆
9.      Mild Chinese Malaysian/Singaporean curry paste for vegetables, chicken, lamb, beef or fish   新鲜马式蔬菜, 鸡肉, 羊肉, 牛肉或鱼腌制调味浆
10.  Burmese style curry paste for fish   新鲜缅甸式鱼咖喱腌制调味浆
11.  Japanese style curry paste for beef    新鲜日本牛肉咖腌制调味浆
12.  Thai style green curry paste for meat or seafood   新鲜泰式肉或海鲜绿咖喱腌制调味浆
13.  Special formulated Asian-Western fusion style seasoning for steaming fish  新鲜特殊亚洲 西方融合式蒸鱼调味料配方
14.  Chinese-Sarawak style Sambal to accompany laksa, nasi lemak or to stir-fry long/French beans, okra and aubergine. 新鲜捞越式Sambal, 可用来炒豆,秋葵和茄子
15.  Malaysian style satay sauce for grilled satay    新鲜马式沙爹
16.   Ginger sauce for steam or roasted chicken    新鲜姜油酱
17.  Jalapeno sauce for corn chips, wedges or French fries    新鲜 墨西哥式辣味番茄酱汁, 用来蘸玉米片, 楔子或炸薯条
18.  Mild chili sauce for steam or roasted chicken      新鲜辣椒酱, 用来蘸或烤
19.  Eggless homemade ricotta chickpeas dip    新鲜创鹰嘴豆无蛋乳清酪蘸酱
20.  Japanese style black sesame salad dressing    新鲜日式黑芝麻沙拉
21.  Thai style salad dressing    新鲜式沙拉沙拉

Information 信息:
1 portion can be sufficiently used for 1 to 1.5kg main component (meat, seafood or vegetable). Only selected items will be prepared each day. Large amount can be pre-ordered.
1份量可充分用于11.5kg主要成分(肉类,海鲜或蔬菜)。 每天只准备某些的调味品。 大量购买可以预订。

"Quick, Fast, Easy, Tasty!".
Just add e.g. sambal to your main ingredients for great authentic flavors of Malaysia.
快速, 方便,美味!
只要加了 Sambal 入你主要的成分即成为正宗新马的风味。



Catering Service 备办:
From the Piano Chef, food hygiene, safety and handling will always be our main concern. Chef Si earned NZQA Food Handling Certificate and also London City and Guilds L2 Food safety in Catering with Distinction
The food served From the Piano Chef will change according to seasonal changes as we believe our mother nature also protected its biological living things through its harvested seasonal foods’ vitamins, nutrients, amino acids and minerals etc.
From the Piano Chef, although it is small, but we got records of preparing up to 100 Pax afternoon tea and refreshment, and we also have experience catered for Asian-Western fusion staff-meeting dinner and dinner-parties.

From the Piano Chef, 食品卫生,安全和处理将永远是我们主要的关注。 Si拥有NZQA食品处理证书,还有伦敦 City and Guilds L2 备办食品安全优等成绩的证书

From the Piano Chef 提供的食物将根据季节变化而改变,因为我们相信大自然也通过季节性收获的食物中的维生素,营养素,氨基酸和矿物质等来保护其生物。

From the Piano Chef, 它虽小,但我们有准备超过百人下午茶和茶点的记录,我们也有经验准备中西公司议晚餐和晚餐聚会。

Personal Chef Service 私人厨师服务:
From the Piano Chef, we plan the healthy nutritious meal for you or your family, we can cook your lunch or dinner either you pick it up or we can cook in your venue kitchen, the number of chefs will be sent according to the number of your guests.
We have experience especially cooking for medical conditions patients and Chineses confinement meals.
FOC menu, ingredients list and grocery shopping will be provided in this personal chef services package.

From the Piano Chef, 我们也为您或您的家人计划健康营养膳食,我们可以烹饪您的午餐或晚餐,过后您来拿,或者我们可以在你的厨房准备餐点,厨师的数量将根据您客人的数量。



Hygiene, Uncommon, Exciting, Exquisite!
You can enjoy something different  

Glazed salmon with wakeme salad   

Lemon Tart

Sarawak Laksa

Fajitas on Tortillas

                                From milk to seasoned paneer then to Saag Paneer                                

                   Individual Beef Wellington                           

Fruit & Nut base cheesecake

                Onigiri with seasoned salmon roe filling                   

      Assorted mini French Baguette             

Children favorite Garlic butter bread chips

Assorted fritters       

Quince salad           

                       Chocolate tart                        

Chinese Malaysian beef curry

              Handmade pizzas Chicken flavor                    

          Salami flavor            

             Vegetarian pizza before cooking                 

Tuna flavor

Menu Planning for Home-based Meals 设划家庭式的菜单:
From the Piano Chef, we can design for your daily home base meals menu when your idea has run out or when you are extremely busy but you still want to cook at home.
You can choose what you want among these entries:  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, bread and soup, entrée, main, dessert.
At minimum cost, From the Piano Chef designed menu, you can modify and use it over and over again throughout the year.  We do menu planning and recipes design worldwide.

From the Piano Chef, 当你没点子时或当你非常忙碌时,但你仍然想在家里做饭我们可以为您设计每日家庭餐的菜单。


以最低的价, From the Piano Chef 设计的菜单,你可以一年到晚修改重用它。

Roasted lamb with grilled pineapple  

                     Hainanese chicken rice                         

Deep fried whitebait on seaweed

                                                Pork Belly                                                   

                                Thai-style Beef Salad                                    

The Ants Climbing a Tree



Braised big size meatball soup        

Shiso tofu fish soup    

             Fuzhou ang chow pork                   

Mild chicken rendang


WeChat ID: nzchefsi
